[Lab] Codecademy CSS 教學筆記 5

--- CSS Positioning ---

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See it to believe it
 CSS box model

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Taking up space
HTML elements 預設 width 全螢幕寬

position property display 有四個value :
block: This makes the element a block box. It won't let anything sit next to it on the page! It takes up the full width.

inline-block: This makes the element a block box, but will allow other elements to sit next to it on the same line.

inline: This makes the element sit on the same line as another element, but without formatting it like a block. It only takes up as much width as it needs (not the whole line).

none: This makes the element and its content disappear from the page entirely!

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 Our <div>s wereblock elements by default;
inline-block 則是block仍為block,但寬度不再是全螢幕,block之間可以並排

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The inline value places all your elements next to one another, but not as blocks: they don't keep their dimensions.
"The good news is, inline places all your elements on a single line. The bad news is that it doesn't maintain their "box"ness: as you saw, all your <div>s got squished to the smallest possible width!
The inline display value is better suited for HTML elements that are blocks by default, such as headers and paragraphs." -- from codecademy
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Sketching it out
Now that you understand more about the display property and the box model, we can delve into the details of how each individual box behaves.
一個 box model 包含了 margin, border, padding, content
margin 是box與box之間的空間,可以用margin控制box們的擺放位置
border 是box的邊框(edge)
padding 是box內實際的內容與邊框之間的空間
content 是實際的內容

剩下的TM LM RM BM 分別代表top margin, left margin, right margin, button margin等,依此類推TB BB LB RB則是border的上下左右...

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set its margin to auto, this tells the document to automatically put equal left and right margins on our element, centering it on the page.
margin: auto;

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Margin top, right, bottom, left
margin-top: /*some value*/
margin-right: /*some value*/
margin-bottom: /*some value*/
margin-left: /*some-value*/
margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px;
這順序是這順時針轉:上 右 下 左

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padding-top: /*some value*/
padding-right: /*some value*/
padding-bottom: /*some value*/
padding-left: /*some-value*/
順序一樣順時針 上 右 下 左
padding: value value value value;

if you want your padding to be the same for all four sides, you can declare that value only once.padding: 10px will give your HTML element 10 pixels of padding on all sides.

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Negative values

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To the right!
使用關鍵字: float
語法 float:right;
float 屬性有三個可能的值:left、right、和 none

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To the left!
語法 float:left;

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Float for two

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Clearing elements

element {
    clear: /*right, left, or both*/

把中間的藍色橫條 clear: left; 或是 clear:right;或是clear:both;
因為中間的左右兩塊分別有float:left; 跟 float:right;
所以中間那塊要  clear the other elements on the page!

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Static by default
element的positioning type預設是為靜止的static

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Absolute positioning
 When an element is set to position: absolute, it's then positioned in relation to the first parent element it has that doesn't haveposition: static. If there's no such element, the element withposition: absolute gets positioned relative to <html>. -- from codecademy
這裡的outer有設定position:absolute; 所以inner也設成position:absolute;且margin-left:20px時
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Relative positioning

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Fixed positioning

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The story so far
display有:block, inline-block, inline 跟 none
margin border padding
position absolute fixed static float 等

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Navigation bar, where are you?

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Displaying it properly

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Floating right along

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You've done it!



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